News for Friday February, 26th 2016

Hosted by Pauline Nesbitt
Produced by Emeline Vidal
Stories by Patricia Petit Liang, Catlin Spencer, Emeline Vidal


by Patricia Petit Liang

Stéfanie Trudeau, also known as Agent #728, was convicted of assault, and using excessive force during an arrest she made three years ago.

According to the Montreal Gazette, Trudeau was a supervising constable who had been training a new recruit when she arrested and attacked two men for holding an open bottle of beer in public.

Prosecutors also made it clear that even if Trudeau had cause to arrest the men, the amount of force she had used against them was illegal.

The case returns to court on Tuesday.

by Catlin Spencer
Post-secondary education for Ontario students who come from low-income families will soon be free of charge.

According to CTV News, Ontario Finance Minister Charles Sousa says that the overhaul will make financial assistance more accessible at no extra cost to taxpayers.

The provinces 2016 budget will make university and college not only free for low-income families, but also more affordable for those from the middle-class.

For those who qualify, changes include increases to total assistance payouts and grants, with decreases in loans.  

by Emeline Vidal
The US has proposed stricter sanctions targetting North Korea, on Thursday.

A draft written in collaboration with the Chinese government was submitted to the UN, following recent North Korean nuclear tests.

According to the Globe and Mail, proposed changes include a ban on any military equipment being sent to North Korea, as well as systematic cargo checks.

The new resolution could be put to a vote this Saturday.