Hosted by: Julian Mckenzie
Stories by: Alexa Everett, Patricia Petit Liang, Pauline Nesbitt
Produced by: Emeline Vidal
by Alexa Everett
Quebec will now be including males in their free HPV vaccination policy.
The constitutional challenge the the Conservative law that cleared the RCPM of destroying gun registry data, faces a 3 month delay.
According to the Globe and Mail, the new Liberal government is considering its options before coming to a decision.
This issue began when Stephen Harper’s Conservative government retroactively rewrote a law from 2012 in order to rid the RCMP of criminal liability when erasing gun registry data.
The rewrite had caused the Ontario provincial police to drop their investigation of the RCMP.
It also sets a precedent as future governments might be able to retroactively rewrite laws.
After the San Bernardino, shooting that left 14 dead and 21 injured, the police held a news conference Thursday where they revealed the conditions officers faced when they entered the Inland Regional Centre.
According to CBC News, Lieutenant Mike Madden, one of the first officers to arrive on the scene, said it he was unprepared for the scene even though he had been trained in dealing with mass shootings.
Officers stated that their priority was to locate the shooters and stabilize the situation, before assisting the many panic-stricken victims.
Officials confirmed that the majority of the dead and wounded were employees of the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health who were attending a holiday celebration luncheon in the building.
Investigators are still searching for a motive behind the shooting.