According to the Gazette, the creation of more than 20,000 jobs was not enough to counter multiple recent layoffs, especially when it comes to high-paying offers.
Analysts say that Quebec's focus on the primary sector may be a factor, as well as the slow rate of job creation compared to the increase in Montreal's population.
Quebec's Council of employers remains optimistic, noting that the current slump in oil prices should attract investors to the province.
Explosions in Tiajin, China set warehouses full of hazardous chemicals ablaze, causing fireballs to shoot across the sky and damaging buildings within a 3 kilometer radius on Wednesday.
According to CNN, the cause of the explosions is still unknown and 50 people have died while more than 500 people have been hospitalized.
The executives of the company keeping the dangerous chemicals in their warehouse have been taken into custody.
The magnitude of one explosion reach 2,9 on the richter scale, leaving entire areas of the city devastated, and citizens face the lasting consequences of the chemicals released by the explosions.