Maiden Voyage Goes To Rock Camp! by Cjlo's Maiden Voyage on Mixcloud
On Friday, July 26th, Maiden Voyage had the amazing opportunity to broadcast live from La Sala Rossa on the last day of Rock Camp For Girls Montreal and the podcast is here for your listening pleasure!
We started off the morning with a DJ workshop! The campers learned how to use a free DJ software called Mixxx and had a great time playing around with the interface and debating about female pop stars.
After the workshops, we were ready to get them on air to tell the city about their bands! They were full of enthusiasm and we had a lot of fun adding a live radio element to the camp. Each band was lead into the "radio room" and every camper got a chance to answer a question about their band or the camp on air!
We ended the show interviewing the driving force behind rock camp, the volunteers. They discussed their fun & hectic week, what makes rock camp run, and how you - the listener - can help support the camp!
Thank you so much to RC4GM for having us and setting us up, it was one of the smoothest (and most stylish) broadcasts I have ever done!