"It's Why Your Tuition Keeps Going Up!"

In a memorable rant Rick Mercer lays out a host of reasons those between the ages of 18 and 25 should get out and vote in the coming May 2 election. For starters there's 3 million such voters which is more than enough to have a massive effect on the results. For seconds the powers that be are happy that the youth aren't voting. That way they don't have to listen or even care about their concerns or as Rick Mercer puts it, "That's why your tuition keeps going up!" The best reason to take 20 minutes out of your day and vote is because you'll scare the crap out of the people that run this country and then just maybe they'll do more than pay you lip service. You know how to whistle don't you?



I received a terrific response to this post in the form of the following video. It's the University of Guelph's response to Rick Mercer's rant. They would like to challenge other Canadian Universities to join them and vote for the Canada you want.