Greeks elect change

Με τον Πρόεδρο της ΝΔ κο Αντώνη ΣΑΜΑΡΑ

Weary voters have punished the incumbent Greek Coalition Party in an election which has plunged Greece into political instability.

Voters who are tired of pro-austerity measures have voted in a new party. According to the BBC, the New Democracy Party won the election with 18.9 percent of the vote. A radical left party Syriza came in second followed by Pasok and Independent Greeks.

The two main parties in this election, the New Democracy and Pasok attracted only a third of the vote.

New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras will meet with the president to try and form a united government and keep the debt-riddled country in the euro-zone.

Flickr Photo by: AthenaKorka