Gadhafi's Family Flees

The National Transition Council in Libya, the current temporary governing party, is angry at Algeria for housing Gadhafi’s family.

Algerian press reported early Monday morning that Gadhafi’s wife and three children crossed the border between Libya and Algeria after rebel forces took control of his compound.

A spokesman for the NTC said they are determined to catch and try entire Gadhafi family. He also said that Algeria’s decision was an aggressive act against Libya.

Algeria defends its decision saying there is a “holy rule of hospitality” in the region.

Meanwhile analysts worldwide recognize the importance of the move.  To many this shows that Gadhafi and his family are no longer safe anywhere in Libya.  It is another step in toppling his regime.

For the people of Libya, the feelings are mixed. Some are happy and wish to bid farewell to turmoil and begin rebuilding. Others are angry and want justice.