Peter Pansexual is Glam Gam Productions’ latest queer masterpiece! Running from June 1st to 16th, Peter Pansexual is directed by Sam Sullivan, produced by Michael J McCarthy and managed by Fiona Ross. Peter Pansexual is Glam Gam’s sexy, queer, vaudeville take on Disney’s problematic Peter Pan. This show combines the magic of fairytales with the struggle of being young, hip and broke in Montreal. Peter Pansexual subverts racist, heteronormative narratives, pushing the limits of theater to create one of the most unique and exciting experiences that Montreal’s Fringe Festival has to offer!

Peter Pansexual is an inspiring blend of acting, burlesque, comedy, dancing, opera singing, gymnastics, music, vaudeville and lap dances! The amount of sheer talent and passion put into Peter Pansexual cannot be understated. Peter Pansexual, Twinker Bell, Smee, Captain Hooker, the Lost Boiz, the Door Bitch, John, Michael and Wendy Darling and plenty of other characters in the show were perfectly casted and were so much fun to watch. All of the performers had colorful costumes and makeup and everything about the show just felt so right! Every night of Peter Pansexual also features special guest performers, showcasing Montreal’s outstanding burlesque and nightlife legends.

Peter Pansexual has a beautiful set, including an incredible mural painted by Glam Gam’s very own Booze Crotch. For the show, Glam Gam transformed Café Cléopâtre’s bar into a giant pirate ship! The entire second floor of Café Cléopâtre looks like a dirty, Neverland fantasy! I cannot stress enough how much love and effort Glam Gam has put into this amazing show! Glam Gam is also collecting tips to donate to the Fringe Festival at every showing of Peter Pansexual to support Montreal’s art scene!

Want to join in on the fun? Glam Gam will be putting together a very special 24 hour production of Peter Pansexual from June 17th to 18th. Anyone can star in this version of the show by registering at Café Cléopâtre at 7pm on June 17th. After registration, you’ll have 24 hours to learn all of your lines and dance routines before Peter Pansexual’s last run on June 18th! Peter Pansexual was originally a 24 hour production that Glam Gam reworked for this year’s Fringe Fest. It's a fun opportunity to meet new people and put on a hilarious, original show!

Peter Pansexual is an erotic, campy night of pure imagination! Check it out from June 1st to 16th at Café Cléopâtre located at 1230 Saint-Laurent, Montreal!


Patricia Petit Liang is part of CJLO’s Official Fringe Team covering the sights and sounds from the 2017 St-Ambroise Montreal Fringe Festival. She also hosts Fatal Attraction every Thursday from 12pm – 1pm, only on 1690AM in Montreal and online at