Flogging Molly+ The Aggrolites + Dub Trio

Flogging Molly has a very large fan base, especially in Montreal. The concert was sold out mid-day  of the show and fans of this Irish punk band were lined up outside Metropolis an hour before doors were scheduled to open. Not only is Flogging Molly one of the most entertaining bands to see live, but they have this uncanny talent for picking the best opening bands. This year there were two very different bands that opened for good ol' Floggy and both were insanely good!

Dub Trio, their name couldn't be more different than their sound. Yes, there are three of them in the band but their sound is more metal than electronic and consists mainly of loud power chords. Needless to say they were awesome. These guys looked like they were really enjoying themselves on stage, almost as much as the crowd- who were shouting and dancing in the pit below.

Speaking of dancing, the venue was so packed for the show that there were absolutely no seats! The sitting area became the 'standing' area...not cool Metropolis, not cool.

Up next were The Aggrolites is a ska, reggae band.  Now, the entire week preceding the upcoming Floggy show all anyone talked about was how this really awesome band were opening for Flogging Molly. So I was very curious as to whether or not these guys could live up to their reputation. They did and the crowd went mad. They were crowd surfing, dancing, screaming and singing along.

So far, this concert was the best I'd been to all year and I didn't think it would get better but it did thanks to Flogging Molly.

 I've seen the band before and they didn’t disappoint, but this year they were amazing! The entire band was on that night, slightly drunk and all the more fun. Frontman Dave King  is living proof that age doesn’t really matter. This guy is an energy drink… he boozed he shmoozed, sang and danced. Hell he even did a jig! (no joke) It was great. Flogging Molly is one of those ageless bands that gets better every year.

So get yer flog on and try and catch these guys the next time they're in town. It’ll make you happy. Seriously.