Face veils banned while reciting Canadian oath of citizenship

Women will no longer be allowed to wear any face coverings while saying their oath of citizenship.

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney made the announcement on Monday. The decision, which came after the complaints of citizenship court judges, is to be put into effect immediately.

With this ban, Muslim women must remove anything that covers their face such as niqabs or burkas, before reciting the oath of citizenship, the final step fpr immigrants in becoming a Canadian.

Kenney stated that saying the oath is a public declaration of joining the Canadian family, which muct be done freely and openly. Kenney also said the fact that women wore face veils while swearing their oaths was bizarre.

Calling the wearing of face veils a cultural tradition, Kenney said that they present a certain view of women that is not accepted in Canada.

Women who refuse to remove their face veils can remain permanent residents. While permanent residents can live in Canada, they are not allowed to vote or run for office.