Denis has been a valued member of CJLO for sometime now and explaining how much we appreciate him would take more than just a DJ of the Week post. Denis is a DJ who not only host his show but can be counted on to help out in any and all situations. His humble beginnings began as a 3rd co-host on The Siamese Libertines and since then he has set the bar with his own show Dirty Work. Fresh off his Robert Vairo Award for Broadcasting Excellence win; Denis was sent a questionnaire for his DJ of the week post. Here are the results
What is your DJ alias? & what are its origins?
"Denis A" is really what happened when I wrote my name once and got lazy about halfway through.
What is your show name?
Dirty Work
What genre?
Rock, seasoned with other spices to taste.
How long have you been at CJLO?
About 3 years
What is the best thing about working at CJLO?
It keeps me hungry for more noise.
Describe your show as a potential life partner. What are its qualities?
Funny, Dirty, Noisy. Kinda like a wacky next door neighbour, only hot.
Two reasons you host a show
1) I love to entertain people
2) I love to mix songs together to show where my head is at.
What do you think makes your show unique?
My show is a place where songs come together and have sex.
If you weren't doing your show, in what other ways would you express yourself?
Guitar feedback and creative profanity, mostly.
What was the biggest turning point in your musical journey?
Discovering Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii
Fill in the blanks
If I could travel back in time and bring back anyone, I would bring back Bill Hicks. Because 33 is too young to be taken away when you're that brilliant.
What are your 2 favorite albums of all time?
(This is wildly contested at all times, but this week it's) Sonic Youth, Daydream Nation and Radiohead, Kid A
What is the one piece of technology you cannot live without?
All of it. Sorry, I can't play favourites.
Describe yourself in 3 words: I Have Cats
For more with Denis tune into Dirty Work on CJLO 1690AM every Thursday at 8pm.