All Things To The Sea, the sophomore album by Montreal's CTZNSHP, is chock-full of large sounding, arena-filling music. When discussing the scale of sound, the word "big" can feel like an understatement. The LP is produced by Jace Lasek, who has also worked with Wolf Parade, Young Galaxy, and Besnard Lakes. The album resonates with new wave and post punk sounds and aesthetics, the likes of which will have you hearing the influences of The Smiths and Joy Division. The tracks are emotive, artsy, and in combination with the crooning of Jesse LeGallais evoke a narrative that comes from the heart.
It all begins with the ringing guitar notes of "Everything Always". These notes act as a primer, a key that opens the door into the demonstrative world of this album. Once the entirety of the band joins in, you feel the expansiveness of the sound in store for us all. "New Brave" continues with the "big", and adds a large dose of personal reflection. As LeGallais sings, "I've dreamed all the right dreams but all the right dreams were wrong", you cannot help but to reflect on your own life and world. In a real sense, these are some of the most haunting words I've heard in a very long time. This track is buoyed by both catchy pop sensibilities and poignant lyrics.
Following these two massive songs, "Low Lives" begins with a droning synthesizer, pounding bass drum, and repetitive guitar notes all of which contribute to a building tension released only once the band kicks into full gear. The introspective nature of the lyrics continue, as we hear, "We were gonna tear it up. Is that still the plan?" A question we must confront by reflecting on our own hopes and dreams in life's ever changing drive forward.
All Things To The Sea has been described as anthemic, and that descriptor is bang on. The tracks of this album seem produced with a sound that would feel right at home on some of the biggest arena's and festival shows around. While the album sound is big, the themes and questions asked ground it and make it wholly accessible to us all.
--Fredy M. Iuni hosts Hiway 1, Mondays at 7:00 pm on CJLO.