CSU by-election results

Reporter: Shanellie Marie

Stories: Luca Caurso Moro


CSU by-election results

Concordia students voted on several key issues last week at the CSU by-election.

Students voted overwhelmingly in support of a fall reading week, which would either be a break at the beginning or end of the semester. 

The vote is not binding on the university, but it will influence how the Student Union negotiates the idea with the administration. 

About 70 per cent voted in favour of equal representation of faculties in the student senate.


In the traditional system, the student council was proportionate, meaning there were far more arts and science students than other faculties. 

A proposal to double athletics funding was voted down by students. 

A fee of about five dollars per credit would have decreased membership fees for Le Gym and made all Stingers games free for students.


Students also voted in favour of being able to opt out of clubs and service fees online, a flagship project of last year’s student union. 

Fee levy groups, which rely on that funding, were nervous that it would severely reduce their budgets, as has been the case at other universities. 

In the traditional system, opt-outs were made in-person or through the groups themselves.