It's that time of the year folks to fall in love all over again, or to find love for the first time.
Come out and enjoy an evening of great entertainment and music as CJLO's Caribbean Callaloo presents their fourth annual all inclusive Valentine's Day Dance.
So far the Caribbean Callaloo team is batting 1000 because each year the following happens: Lost love is rekindled. True love is found. Someone looks into the others' eye and realize it needs cleaning. Someone holds a loved one real close and tight, then feels the on-set of arthritis coming on.The guys will actually get the ladies the top-of-the-shelve expensive wines, because it's an open bar. So come out and be part of it all!
The party starts at 9pm on Saturday, February 19th and will take place at the Hive located at the Concordia Loyola campus at 7141 Sherbrooke Street West. Tickets are $40 and are availaibe at Doreen, Caribbean Curry House, Ghost and Princessa or at the door. There will be door prizes including a flat screen TV!