So word came out yesterday that Afghanistan is loaded with mineral riches. A trillion dollars worth or more. Now the US has spent 250 billion dollars in a war over there so far, so that means the return on their investment won't be fabulous but it does maybe explain why they'd fight for years and years in a vast ungovernable hellhole of a country famous for being the graveyard of empires. There's a pretty good chance that this was known to American intelligence some time ago.
Long after the fact, while the Afghan detainee talks go on and on (Parliament was given two weeks to settle this on April 27 by Peter Milliken or find the Tories in contempt) word comes that Canadian military officials wanted diplomat Richard Colvin to be pulled from his posting in Afghanistan because they didn't like what he was writing, documents show. The truth is always inconvenient to those who are in violation of the law. Canadian soldiers raised the issue six months after the Harper government boasted of improved safeguards for detainees, and were roundly ignored.
Mahar Arar will never get an apology or redress from the Americans after his being held on trumped up charges and sent to Syria to be tortured.
Sheila Fraser tells Canada's MP's to relax, it's just an audit!Liberals take sharper aim at Harper - sadly it's only for the overspending on the summits and not all the noxious policies he's stuffed into C-9 or any of the demagoguing he's done on any number of issues including climate change, abortion and so called law and order issues like our pot laws.
Speaking of which, the compassion clubs that were raided and effectively shut down in Montreal last week, have been forced to recommend to patients that they go get their prescriptions filled off the street or at the Berri-UQÀM Metro station. (?)
Aaaaand, Fox News North is no longer a rumour and so far David Akin and Krista Erickson both formerly of the CBC have been recruited. Boycott all things Quebecor - we do not need American style discourse (lies, climate change denial, hate TV) here in the Great White North!