Canadian News - New Media and Politics

In case you missed it, Naomi Klein's op-ed in the Globe and Mail about the G20 and how we all got stuck with the bill - not the $1 billion for security, that's a given - for the crisis that the bankers created and are wholly to blame for.

Amy Goodman over at reporting on how the media and scientists are being shut out from examining and covering the ongoing catastrophe in the Gulf and how the lack of transparency may lead to more disasters.

Richard Fadden has a defender, a former member of CSIS (of course he's completely unbiased), and he doe it with the requisite amount of fear mongering:’s time that Canadians understood the substance of Mr. Fadden’s statements – and that is that foreign intelligence agencies are trying to gain control of Canadian politicians. I wouldn't buy a bridge from either of these two professional liars.

Speaking of fear-mongering, Stephen Harper does some of his own at the Calgary Stampede and Iggy responds... kind of. That's what the Stampede is all about, right? Harper does have some bragging rights as far as the recent job creation numbers go - down from 8.1% to 7.9%. Here's hoping the Afghan detainee issue does not go away for Mr. Harper - Canadians need to understand what happened there and the government's complicity.


It's not all going Stephen's way, last week the senate managed to carve up his massive omnibus budget bill a bit leaving us all with some hope for whiff of democracy. The Tories were so angry they were threatening a fall election (It would have to be the 1st time in history that a government whose popularity rested at 31% rushed to go to the polls). It's all about getting bums in the seats in the Senate - sounds redundant, doesn't it?


Jean Charest sells out his green creds to Paul Desmarais, Jr  and the Power Corp.

Ethics crusader Duff Conacher leaving Democracy Watch - we're going to try and get an interview with this great Canadian this week.