In the Pines is the first full-length album released by husband and wife Andrew Whiteman (Broken Social Scene/Apostle of Hustle) and Ariel Engle.
A curious spawn of interdisciplinary collaboration, the couple's principle inspiration for this album was a book of poems by the same name written by American poet Alice Notley. Born November 8th, 1945, the voice of Notley's work is hostile, independent and innovative. She is considered to be one of the most outstanding living American poets.
In essence, AoarA has appropriated the folk of Notley's noir fiction into songs that will make your ears bleed; that is, if the listener has a predilection for the North American Gothic (if that is even a genre).
The album is composed of nine tracks. A number that does not correspond to its chronology within the album names each song. Engle's vocals are penetrating in "#14" and encourage the listeners to trek a little deeper into the pines. Further along, listeners are lulled briefly by the rhythmic duet of "#1" between Engle and Whiteman. I hope I'm not giving away too much of the ending, but the album closes with cryptic affirmations of what sort of life can come when individuals perform demonstrative feelings for another without cause.
Call their music experimental, but AroarA's In the Pines is indeed loveable.
Rating: 4/5