Quebec government stands firm on tuition hikes in budget

The Quebec government is moving ahead with tuition increases. The budget for 2012-2013 was released yesterday in Quebec City to the dissapoointment of student representatives.
FEUQ president Martine Desjardins said, "It's very frustrating that the government is not listening to the next generation, that we'll have to pay for every social program."
Student contributions to universities will net an extra $95 million in the upcoming school year. Though students have been ramping up efforts to put pressure on the government, the new budget is all about beating the deficit and trimming costs.
"We're controlling our public finances and building the future," said Finance Minister Raymond Bachand.
The aim is to get rid of the deficit by next financial year. The government will not introduce any new taxes or user fees. It will raise royalties on the province's natural resources. There was a lot of focus on retirees and older workers, and just a few added benefits for youth. There is an increase in tax credit to encourage young graduates to settle in the regions and extra supplements for young people on social assistance who try to improve their job skills.

Photo by Sarah Deshaies