Trudeau's faith being questioned

McMun 2010 - Opening Ceremonies-6Liberal MP Justin Trudeau is upset that a Tory MP publicly questioned his Catholic faith. He even went as far as to indicate that he might not be suitable to speak to Catholic school students.

The upsetting Facebook comments were made by parliamentary secretary to the Prime Minister Dean Del Mastro on October twelfth. Justin said he was raised Catholic by his father and went to Church every Sunday and did his nightly family prayers. Del Mastro stands by his original comments, saying Trudeau’s public positions are often not in accordance with the Catholic faith.

Trudeau added that he sees no problem with combining Catholicism with the rights of gays and lesbians. He notes that he is personally very opposed to abortion, but still believes nobody can tell a woman what she should do with her body. 

Last month’s “It Gets Better” video, which a group of Conservative MPs took part in, brought up a debate between religion and politics. Some MPs had opposed the extension of marriage rights to gays and one even called homosexuality a sin. Gay rights advocates say the main concern was that Conservatives have taken little concrete action on Parliament Hill to stop discrimination or promote rights in legislation.