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CJLO News - December 6 2013

Hosted by Jocelyn Beaudet, with a contribution from Alex Massé

Stories written by Catlin Spencer, Hannah Besseau and  Brendan Adams

Produced by Saturn De Los Angeles

Yellow Line to be shutdown in 2014

The métro’s yellow line will be shut down in 2014 for half of the year’s weekends for preventative repairs.

According to the Gazette, chief executive of the STM Carl Desrosiers says the 10 million dollar repair job is not an emergency.

The 25 weekends of spring and fall work will include repairs on the tunnel's concrete roof, sealing cracks and dealing with water infiltration.

Desrosiers added that if there is an emergency on the Champlain Bridge, work on the tunnel will be placed on hold and full weekend service will be restored to help handle the traffic.

CJLO News - December 5 2013

Hosted & Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Stories by: Saturn De Los Angeles, Marilla Steuter-Martin & John Toohey

CJLO News - December 4 2013

Hosted by Catlin Spencer

Produced by Marilla Steuter-Martin

Stories by Hannah Besseau, Marilla Steuter-Martin & Kris Eugenio

CJLO News - December 3 2013

Hosted by Danny Aubry

Stories written by John Toohey, Rory Warnock, Carlo Spiridigliozzi and Alexa Everett

Produced by Saturn De Los Angeles

New Brunswick Oil Company reconsiders rate changes

Enbridge New Brunswick had decided to scrap its plan rate changes to commercial and residential consumers heating bill.
CBC News, reports that the company planned to slightly raise the rates for commercial customers while slightly decreasing the rates for residential customers.
In its explanation, the company didn't provide one, expect by saying that their issues weren't able to be corrected in time for a meeting to be held on Monday.
The company will be appearing in court in February to review its application to have their rates changed.

CJLO News - December 2 2013

Hosted by: Saturn De Los Angeles

Stories by: Danny Aubry, Catlin Spencer & Hannah Besseau

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Canadian stopped from sharing national ship secrets

A Canadian citizen was arrested this week and charged with allegedly trying to pass along classified ship secrets to the Chinese government.

According to CBC, at a news conference on Sunday in Toronto, the RCMP say they arrested 53-year-old Qing Quentin Huang over the weekend. 

Huang was then charged under the Security of Information Act for allegedly trying to supply classified information related to Canada's shipbuilding strategy to China.

The information included plans for patrol ships, naval support vessels, science research vessels and ice breakers.

CJLO News - November 28 2013

Hosted by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Stories by: Marilla Steuter-Martin, Saturn De Los Angeles & John Toohey

Produced by: John Toohey

Thai protests continue unimpeded

Thousands of protestors continue to gather around Thailand's Interior Ministry in Bangkok.

CJLO News - November 27 2013

Hosted by: Jenna Monney-Lupert

Stories by: Hannah Besseau, Marilla Steuter-Martin & Kris Eugenio

Produced by: Marilla Steuter-Martin


Gender Advocacy Centre Challenges Quebec Law

Concordia's Centre for Gender Advocacy claims that bills 35 and 71 of the Quebec Civil code are discriminatory against trans individuals. The centre plans on challenging the law in court.


According to the Link, the bill states that is someone wants to legally change their gender on government documents, they must be 18, a Canadian citizen and undergo sex reassignment surgery.


According to Gabrielle Bouchard, Advocacy Coordinator at the Centre, this forces people who want to legally change their gender to undergo forced sterilization.


The Current suicide rate of trans individuals, according to Bouchard, is 40 per cent.


CJLO News - November 26 2013

Hosted by Danny Aubry

Stories written by Alexa Everett, Rory Warnock and Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Produced by Saturn De Los Angeles

Political unrest resurfaces in Thailand

Political unrest has resurfaced in Thailand, 6 years after the last one led to the election of the current government.
BBC News, reports that fresh protests occurred on Monday with as many as ten thousand in the streets of Bangkok calling for the current president of Thailand to resign.
The unrest has been triggered by a political amnesty bill was has been enforced by president Yingluck Shinawatra.  As a way to quiet down the unrest, the president has enacted the Internal Security Act. The act enables a curfew to control gatherings.

CJLO News - November 25 2013

Hosted and produced by Saturn De Los Angeles

Stories written by Catlin Spencer, Danny Aubry and Hannah Besseau

24/7 CLSCs : Quebec Solidare

Québec Solidaire health critic Amir Khadir has suggested that CLSC’s stay open all week, twenty-four hours a day.

According to the Gazette, Khadir made the suggestion Saturday during a campaign for Québec solidaire candidate Édith Laperle as a way of reinforcing the public health-care system.

A physician by profession, Khadir said that CLSCs are currently being under-utilized, criticising private clinics as ‘parasites of the public system’ for their trend in recent years.

Laperle also said that she wants CLSC’s to return to their original mission of front-line care.

She pledged that if elected, she would extend the operating hours of the CLSC in Cote des Nieges as a pilot project. 

Nearly 70 homeless due to Attawapiskat fire

Nearly 70 civilians within the First Nation community of Attawapiskat in Northern Ontario are now homeless due to a fire which destroyed their homes.

According to CBC News, none of the civilians were injured, and the fire is believed to have been caused by a candle used during a power failure.

The fire ignited in a set of trailers where they were sheltered.

Minister of Aboriginal Affairs Bernard Valcourt stated that the community of Kapukasing has been very eager to offer them temporary housing.

Mike Grant of the Red Cross has assured the civilians that they`ll be provided with all their basic living needs while their in Kapukasing.

CJLO News - November 22 2013

Hosted by: Jocelyn Beaudet

Stories by: Brendan Adams, Hannah Besseau & Catlin Spencer

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Cairo protests turn fatal

At least one person has died after protesters and police clashed in Cairo's Tahrir Square.

According to Al Jazeera, protesters gathered on Tuesday to mark the two-year anniversary of the 2011 demonstrations. Police used tear gas and birdshot to disperse the crowd filling the square.

CJLO News - November 21 2013

Hosted by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Produced by: John Toohey

Stories by: John Toohey, Saturn de Los Angeles and Marilla Steuter-Martin

CJLO News - November 20 2013

Hosted by: Catlin Spencer

Stories by: Hannah Besseau,  Marilla Steuter-Martin & Kris Eugenio

Produced by: Marilla Steuter-Martin

CJLO News - November 19 2013

Hosted by Danny Aubry

Stories by Alexa Everett, John Toohey and Rory Warnock. 

Produced by Saturn De Los Angeles

CJLO News - November 18 2013

Hosted by: Saturn De Los Angeles 

Stories by: Catlin Spencer, Danny Aubry, and Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Produced by: Taisha Henry 

Union Montreal is no more

Former mayor of Montreal Gerald Tremblay`s Union Montreal political party no longer exists.

According to the Gazette, Elections Quebec stated that Union Montreal`s failure to elect a new leader within their given time limit was one of the reasons for pulling the plug on them.

It was in November 2012 when Union Montreal started to crumble due to accusations of illegal fundraising.

Union Montreal wants to continue to exist in order to continue to testify against accusations made towards them within the Charbonneau commission.

Elections Quebec spokesperson Carl Charest stated that Union Montreal has the option to go to court to challenge the decision Elections Quebec made upon them.
