
The CJLO news team brings you the hottest stories in the city! Catch the latest news segments and articles here or view the complete list.

CSU Says No to Faubourg Student Centre

The CSU gave a resounding 'NO' to plans for the faubourg.

The student union voted down a potential student centre at a special council meeting Tuesday night.

Concordia University may still pursue the plan.

Students have already contributed millions to a future student centre with nothing to show for it.

The CSU promised to fight for a fair deal on the student centre during last year's election.

Shakespeare Goes Multi-lingual

William Shakespeare Flickr: tonynetoneThe Globe to Globe festival in London, England will have a new and ambitious twist on Shakespeare this spring.  

It’ll feature six weeks of Shakespearean plays in thirty-seven different languages, including British Sign Language, Arabic and American hip-hop.

Festival director Tom Bird hopes that even if the audience doesn’t speak the language, they will still appreciate the beauty of it.

Israel to Build More Settlements

Benjamin Netanyahu at press conference

The Israeli government gave the green light to a new housing project in East Jerusalem. Construction there means peace talks between Palestine and Israel are still out of reach.

Palestinians claim East Jerusalem will be their future capital. Palestine petitioned for UN membership last week. It wants to be recognized as an independent state.

AMT Proposes Fare Hikes

AMT 201 @ Montreal West Flickr: kellergrahamTrain commuters in and around Montreal might soon be paying a lot more for their fare. The AMT has proposed plans for fare increases at four stations. 

The Lachine, Lasalle, Montepelier and Chabanel stops may see fare increases jump up by up to 21 percent.

City councilors for those respective regions are not impressed with the AMT’s decision. The mayor of Lachine said public transit should be encouraged rather than discouraged.

Possible Olympic Bid for Quebec City

World Class Athlete Program - Winter Olympics 2010 Quebec City could be looking at a bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics. The mayor of Quebec City and the Quebec premier will be meeting with officials to discuss a possible future bid.

 The mayor was skeptical of a bid if the South Korean city of Pyeongchang won the 2018 Games. After an Asian city, a European city would most likely win the next bid.

 If a 2022 bid is not possible, officials might aim for either 2026 or 2030.

News September 27th 2011

Read by Esther Viragh 

Produced by Dominique Daoust 

Stories by Nikita Smith, Niki Mohrdar, Michael Lemieux and Jordie Yaeger. 

Quebec Not in Danger of Recession

 - Raymond BachaND - Flickr: imagedistributioncanadaQuebec Finance Minister Raymond Bachand said the province doesn’t need a stimulus. The Canadian and Quebec economies are in strong enough condition that a stimulus is unnecessary. 

The minister said provincial revenues have been increasing lately. This is a result of new jobs.

Ship Discovered with 200 Tons of Silver

Sunken ship remains. Flickr: keepthefaith3n1

A US exploring firm struck silver in the Atlantic. They found the largest haul of precious metal ever discovered in the ocean. 

The UK boat called the SS Gairsoppa contained two-hundred tons of silver. The Cargo ship was sunk back in 1941 by a German U-Boat.

Speeding Car Hits 15 Year-old

Car that struck boys (Radio-Canada)

A Montreal man in his twenties was arrested Monday after hitting a fifteen year-old boy with his car.

The boy and his friend were walking through a back alley when a car came at them. 

One boy is now in the hospital with several injuries while his friend was able to get out of the way of the speeding car.

Police say that the collision may not have been an accident.

400 Protest Against Alberta Pipeline on Parliament Hill

Flickr: ecom131

117 people were charged with trespassing during a protest in Ottawa against a suggested oilsands pipeline project.

More than 400 people attended the protest on Parliament Hill to demonstrate against TransCanada Keystone's XL pipeline project.

The 7 billion dollar pipeline project would see crude oil transported from Alberta to Texas.

September 26th 2011

Produced By Melissa Mulligan

Read By Sarah Deshaies

Stores By:

Sofia Gay, Esther Viragh, Audrey Folliot & Pauline Mauche

Détenus d’Iran

1 YEAR WEEKEND OF ACTION EVENT in Boulder, CO @FREEtheHikers Après prèsque huit cent jours de détention en Iran, Shane Bauer et Josh Fattal retournent aux Etats Unis.

Les deux randonneurs américains sont arrivés dimanche 25 septembre à New York. Et n’ont fait aucune déclaration. Ils avaient été arrêté le 31 juillet 2009 à la frontière irano-irakienne. Et avaient affirmé avoir franchi la frontière par erreur lors d’une randonnée.

Saudi Arabia Makes Landmark Annoucment

mtt-saudi-arabia-saudi-king-king-abdullahIt’s the start of a new era in Saudi Arabia. Reformist King Abdullah has announced that women will be given the right to vote and to run in future municipal elections as soon as this Thursday.

Confabulation. So the Story Goes...

confabulationmontreal.comThe deepest darkest secrets or the most breathtaking stories. All can be heard at Montreal's own Confabulation. Luciana Gravotta took it all in. Here is her report:

“Hi everybody. The story I'm going to share tonight is about the first and only ultimately night I've spent in Athens"

It’s called confabulation. But no one is making anything up here. These are true-life stories told by everyday people.

Maus Maker Speaks at Concordia

Concordia University opened its doors this weekend, to welcome comic book artist Art Spiegelman. The event was organized by SBC Gallery of Contemporary Art and invited fans of all ages to come and listen to the iconic figure. Esther Viragh has more.

The crowd eagerly clapped for their long awaited guest. Art Spiegelman had finally arrived to give his lecture, on the history of comic books. He was also there to introduce the release of his new creation. Many, like Tracy Hurren, attended the event out of passion for the genre.

Two New Records and a Death at the Oasis Montreal Marathon

The Montreal Oasis Marathon attracted twenty-four thousand runners on Sunday. This was the highest number of runners in the marathon’s history.

Unfortunately, the event also had its lows.

One participant died of a heart attack while running. The thirty-year-old man collapsed with less than two kilometres to finish. An Urgence Sante spokesperson says the weather might have played a role in the man’s death.

Forty runners needed medical attention, with twelve going to the hospital.

News September 23rd 2011

Read by Shaun Malley

Produced by Erica Bridgeman

Stories written by Danny Aubry, Joel Balsam and Erica Bridgeman

Protesters Occupy Wall Street

Day 3 Occupy Wall Street 2011 Shankbone 8 Protesters have set up shop on Wall Street in downtown Manhattan. And they don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.

Hundreds of people are protesting the financial sector’s monopoly over the wealth in the United States. They want a more transparent and accountable financial system.

The protest has been taking since September seventeenth.

NDG Ramps Up Anti-Graffiti Laws NDG borough will now fine building owners who don`t get graffiti cleaned up on a specific deadline.

Inspectors have been assigned to provide them with a week`s warning or else they will have to pay.

Business owners of De Maisonneuve boulevard are concerned that vandals will come back once their buildings are cleaned.

September 21, 2011

Read by Joel Balsam

Produced by Nikita Smith

Stories by Joel Balsam

Air Canada Flight Attendants Agree to Tentative Deal

Air Canada 767If you are a Canadian air traveler, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Air Canada flight attendants will not strike after reaching a tentative deal right before the Wednesday deadline.

Troy Davis to Face Lethal Injection

joelcothran - FlickrThe Georgian Supreme Court has rejected Troy Davis’ final appeal to get off death row. He is set to face lethal injection Wednesday night. 

Davis was sentenced in 1991 for killing police officer Mark MacPhail. But many of the witnesses have changed their testimony or recanted since then. 

An extreme lack of evidence has caused many worldwide to oppose the ruling. Pope Benedict and former US President Jimmy Carter are among those that insist that he is innocent. 

Hockey Montreal Retracts Unusual Ruling

hockey mineurMinor hockey players in Montreal were suspended when they chose not to try out for elite teams. Now Hockey Montreal is reversing the decision. The suspension affected about two hundred children aged nine to sixteen.

Federal Government Prepared to Pass Back-to-Work Legislation

The Federal government will force Air Canada flight attendants to return to work if they choose to strike. The decision was announced Monday by the minister of Labour.
Flight attendants from Air Canada have planned strikes across the country on Tuesday and are legally able to walk out on Wednesday.
The Federal government defended its choice citing the economy as its reasoning.

September 19th 2011

Produced by Erica Bridgeman

Read by Sarah Deshaies

Stories written by Joel Balsam, Sofia Gay and Aisha Samu
