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CJLO News - July 29 2013

Hosted by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Stories by:  Catlin Spencer, Natasha Taggart, Carlo Spiridigliozzi  & Saturn De Los Angeles.

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi with apprentice Saturn De Los Angeles

Trans-Atlantic shipping of nuclear generators plan, shelved indefinately

The controversial plan to ship radioactive generators across the Atlantic had been put on hold.

According to CBC News, the project called for radioactive generators from Ontario based Bruce Power to be shipped to Sweden for recycling.

It was met by public opposition by aboriginal groups, the NDP and the Bloc Québécois. They all claim that any spill in the Great Lakes region could cause a natural disaster in the area.
The agreement was reached in 2009 and while it is currently stalled, Bruce Power will reach out to naysayers and push for the renewal to have their generators recycled in Sweden.

Cyclists fined during monthly protest ride

Cyclist, May 24 2009

Fifteen cyclists taking part in the Critical Mass cyclist movement on Friday were fined up to $500,  and some were even arrested by the SPVM for obstruction of traffic.

According to Radio Canada, the SPVM intervened at the corner of Belmont and Beaver Hall Hill just after the cyclists left Philips Square around 6p.m., where they had gathered to begin riding.

The cyclists were fined under section 500.1 of the Highway Safety Code.

Inmates in Ontario jails want overcrowding resolved

old jail cell

Overcrowding has inmates in Ontario prisons takin action in court

At least 100 current and former inmates are suing the province of Ontario over how they claim they were treated in jail due to overcrowding.

CBC News is reporting an abundance of inmates awaiting their day in court has lead to half of Ontario’s jails being overcrowded, the highest percentage in six years. 

This means a 7-by-2 metre cell meant for two people often contains three or more inmates.

Advocacy groups and prison staff have linked the overcrowding to the increase in violence between cellmates.

Law school in hot water over discrimination. Says LGBT

A law school in British Columbia is in hot water over it's decision to discriminate L-G-B-T students.   
In a report by the Globe and Mail, Trinity Western University in Langley is considering imposing a rule to all students to not engage in any sexual activity.
The proposed rule explicitly cites a Biblical passage that condemning homosexuality, hence discriminating future lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students, according to Lawyer Civil Rights Lawyer Clayton Ruby.  

Canada Post Closings...Secretly Privatizing?

Canada Post van

In the recent flurry of post office closings by Canada Post across the country, the local postal workers’ union has a new ally… the federal NDP. 

According to the Gazette, Canada Post has closed 37 outlets since 2012… 19 of which were in Quebec, 12 of those were all in Montreal.

NDP Labour critic Alexandre Boulerice has accused Canada Post of disproportionately targeting Quebec post offices because of Stephen Harpers lack of support in the province. 

Pakistani seeking refuge may be denied stay in Canada

A woman, who fled Pakistan in 2011 to escape her daughter's abusive ex-husband, may have to return soon.

CBC News reports, that Khurshid Begun Awan's stay in Montreal may be numbered as her husband was deported back to Lahore this past April.

Khurshid's daughter, Tahira, who immigrated to Montreal in 2009 has been sending money back to Lahore to keep her ex-husband from harming her parents. When the situation deteriorated her family joined her in Montreal.

Tahira's ex-husband is a prominent member of the religious community in Lahore, Pakistan's largest city.

CJLO News - July 26 2013

Hosted by: Spoon Jung

Stories by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi, Saturn De Los Angeles & Catlin Spencer

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

CJLO News - July 24 2013

Hosted by: Saturn de Los Angeles

Stories by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi, Kristobal Eugenio & Catlin Spencer

Produced by: Catlin Spencer

Québec jail suicide haunts Ontario family

A distraught Ontario family is left wondering why their loved one was left incarcerated instead of given help for his suicidal behaviour.

CBC News reports that twenty-six-year-old Christopher Clarke was imprisoned in Montréal's Bordeaux jail after being picked up by police for an unpaid fine.

Clarke's fiancée, Janick Ménard, brought him to Cornwall hospital on April 14 after he displayed frantic and suicidal behaviour. After being assessed by a doctor, Clarke returned home.

Attempt at forming provincial registry denied…again

Airsoft guns

Despite the setbacks, Quebec will continue to fight Ottawa’s decision to scrap the long-gun registry.

According to The Gazette, Quebec wants to maintain its part of the now defunct registry and use it as a provincially-run registry.

There have been two setbacks in the past month; however, Quebec will continue to appeal the decision in court.

The Quebec Court of Appeal refused to suspend a ruling from the Supreme Court of Canada.

CJLO News - July 22 2013

Produced by Erica Bridgeman and Saturn De Los Angeles

Hosted by Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Stories written by Catlin Spencer, Saturn De Los Angeles, Spoon Jung

Egypt to Amend Constitution Amidst Political Division

#30June 2013 Rebel  تمرد  #egypt

According to Reuters, the Egyptian military has tasked a panel of 10 legal experts this past Sunday to present proposed changes to the constitution within 30 days for review before a broader-based body.

Ali Awad Saleh, a judge and the constitutional affairs adviser for the newly installed president, chaired Sunday's panel, saying it would spend the next week receiving ideas from "citizens, political parties, and all sides".

Flaherty's health is in question

Hon. Jim Flaherty

Jim Flaherty has missed two G20 meetings in Moscow after falling ill in the past few days.

According to the Gazette, finance official Kathleen Perchaluk said Minister Flaherty became ill after arriving in Moscow and was unable to attend the meetings on Friday and Saturday.

The meetings were being held to discuss ways of getting the global economy back on track and growing again.

CJLO News - July 19 2013

Hosted by: Hannah Besseau

Stories by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi, Saturn De Los Angeles & Catlin Spencer

Produced by: Spoon Jung

Porter's lawyer angry with Ottawa

The lawyer of former MUHC head Arthur Porter has cried foul on Ottawa for their attempts to extradite him to Canada from his native Bahamas.
As reported by The Gazette, Porter had filed a complaint with the Organization of American States and the United Nations saying Ottawa is violating his rights in their tries to bring him back to Canada. He is facing money laundering charges relating to the awarding of MUHC super hospital contract.
An arrest warrant for Porter was issued in February, however he was in the Bahamas and in critical health. He was arrested on May 26th in Panama.


In Halifax, two coffee house baristas who were unexpectedly fired, are having their voices heard over injustice that's happening in the workforce. 
In a report by, Elijah Williams and Shay Enxuga were let go of their jobs after they tried to form a worker's union to address work-related matters, such as tips and work breaks. 
The fact that management was allegedly unapproachable to address these issues was the catalyst to form the union, according to Williams.

Sun Media cuts jobs

Canadian Media giant, Sun Media has slashed it's operating budget, thus cutting jobs in the field.
In a report by CBC News, Sun Media Corp will be cutting 360 jobs and closing down 11 publications throughout the country.
The company announced on Tuesday that it is acting to invest more into digital newspapers to attract younger readers.
In addition to the 11 publications closing their doors, the 24 Hours free daily will be discontinued in Ottawa, Calgary & Edmonton.

CJLO News - July 17 2013

Hosted by: Saturn de Los Angeles

Stories by: Catlin Spencer. Saturn de Los Angeles & Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Produced by: Catlin Spencer

CJLO News - July 15 2013

Produced by Erica Bridgeman

Hosted by Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Stories written by Spoon Jung, Catlin Spencer, Saturn De Los Angeles and Natasha Taggart

Zimmerman declared not guilty, public outraged over court decision

On Saturday, George Zimmerman was found not guilty over the shooting of 17yearold Florida teen Trayvon Martin in 2012.

The jury decision caused jeers and outrage from the public, as the case has sparked an ongoing debate surrounding racial profiling, selfdefense and equal justice.

In a report by the Toronto Star, the Florida State Courthouse cleared him of all charges. Race was not mentioned throught the trial, but reporters' observations say, the majority of the jurors were white.

High Heat & Humidity Alert Issued for Montreal


According to the Montreal Gazette, officials from Public Health and the Montreal Health and Social Services Agency have issued the first heat alert of the summer for residents of Montreal.

Authorities warn that although the thermostat may read 29C on Monday, it will feel more like 37C due to the humidity.

Public health officials are warning people to take precautions, especially vulnerable populations such as the very old, the very young, or anyone suffering from pre-existing health conditions.

Alberta creates new safety rules for possible future floods

Southern Alberta flooding

In the hopes of preventing future flood disasters, the province of Alberta has created new flood-mapping standards for high-risk areas.

According to CBC, the new rules categorize areas as being “floodway,” which are closest to water sources, and “flood fringe,” which are further away but still at risk.
