
Independent, provocative, now! The CJLO Magazine is the resource for features, reviews, and interviews. Established in 2004, and run by dedicated CJLO volunteers, the magazine covers the latest and best in local and international music, art, theatre, film, festivals, and more!

HIP HOP WEEK MTL - Sugarface Nene's Top 5 Picks


Off the mic and on the record, I want to congratulate everyone involved in organizing this much needed in-depth exploration between "hip hop culture, feminism, gender, race, class, and activism", spanning over the week of March 15th to 21st, 2015 in the beautiful city of Montreal. From those who eat, sleep, and breathe hip hop, to those who know nothing about it, this week is for you! Through panels with special guest speakers, workshops for your hands and brain, and concert showcases to link everyone together, you will be instantly immersed in this thriving culture and community. 

Interview: The Dodos

The Dodos, an American indie-rock duo composed of Meric Long and Logan Kroeber, played at La Sala Rossa on March 2nd, 2015. They did not have any additional touring members, and it made all the difference. The duo was incredibly energetic, and performed well together, capturing the full attention of the crowd. They opened with "Goodbyes and Endings" off their newly released album, Individ. Although the vocals were buried under disappointing sound quality, the packed audience responded well to their performance, slowly singing and dancing along.

What's Happening?

We Just Wanna Have Some Fun, Down at the Rock and Roll Club

Behemoth + Cannibal Corpse @ Metropolis

Presented by Evenko

I went to go see Cannibal Corpse and Behemoth: A sordid tale

Hellenica - Blood Moon Wolf Head

The release of Blood Moon Wolf Head by Jim Demos, under his Hellenica moniker, coincided with el Dia de los Muertos - the day of the dead. According to Demos, the album is meant as an offering to the deceased. A preliminary reading about this holiday finds that it's meant to allow friends and family to congregate together, to remember those who have died, and to offer the deceased support through their spiritual journey back to earth. What kind of spiritual support to the dead is this album, an album described by Demos as the celebration of improvisation and composition?

What's Happening?

We Just Wanna Have Some Fun, Down at the Rock and Roll Club

After breaking down on the highway coming back from Rochester, NY, only to be brought to the nearest Tim Horton's by the CAA tow-truck driver - with his family following in the cruiser of a Good Samaritan Sûreté du Québec officer - Prince Palu was convinced it was fate's way of having some fun in granting him a brand new Toyota Camry. It wasn't. $430 and a new alternator later, Palu is back home and ready to tell you about some great live music options this weekend.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mad Parish - Procession

Self-Released 2014

Right from the very first notes of the opening song "Darkness Befalls This Cursed Land", you know you're in for a trip down metal lane. The classic fade in sets you up for the righteous metal saga that Procession so eloquently weaves from beginning to end.

I really dig the way that no riff sounds rushed. The spacing accomplished in these arrangements are brilliantly suited for Josh McConnell's classically-highish metal vocals. I quite like when and where you can find the vocals in the midst of all of these tasty hooks.

What's Happening?

We Just Wanna Have Some Fun, Down at the Rock and Roll Club

Prince Palu found himself spinning in all different directions this week with term paper research, pediatrician appointments, and out-of-town family functions, so this edition of "What's Happening?" is lighter in words than normal. It is, however, one of the most important weeks in the Montreal calendar. We have survived what will go down as the coldest February in our recorded history, and in honour of that, here are some ways to celebrate as this month fades into a memory and gives way to March.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The 2015 Academy Awards: A Thinkpiece for your Thinkpiece, but Not Really.

In a world torn by conflict, inequality and uncertainty, we once again reach that time of year where one perennial certainty remains: the endless parade of pageantry and self-congratulation which captures the heart of us all. The ~Academy Awards~

What's Happening?

We Just Wanna Have Some Fun, Down at the Rock and Roll Club

As all of his Chinese brothers and sisters get set to celebrate their New Year holiday, Prince Palu is beginning to wonder if, as many experts claim, China is set to become the next global world empire at sometime during the next 85 years, give or take, will the Chinese New Year one day simply become known as New Year. Given that the holiday in the People's Republic of China is a seven day long affair, Palu could get behind the idea of a week off at the end of January or beginning of February. It would be a welcome addition to his hibernation schedule. Until that day he wishes you all a Happy Chinese New Year and offers these thoughts about the weekend.
