
Independent, provocative, now! The CJLO Magazine is the resource for features, reviews, and interviews. Established in 2004, and run by dedicated CJLO volunteers, the magazine covers the latest and best in local and international music, art, theatre, film, festivals, and more!

Cradle of Filth + Satyricon

On Saturday, January 17th, I took the 55 bus through the frigid, negative-something weather, and wound up in front of Metropolis to be greeted by a swarm of black t-shirted, long haired fans -the tell tale signs of any self-respecting metal show.

Theory of a Deadman + Rev Theory

Theory Of A Deadman is no one's favourite band. I'm glad I got that statement out of the way at the onset of this review, as I feel like it accurately describes the concert experience I recently flung myself into.

Meshuggah + Cynic

Back in 1994 Cynic released their debut album, Focus, one of my favorite albums of all time, and one of the albums most important to the development of intelligent progressive metal. They are often credited as being the first band to successfully merge jazz fusion with death metal, and are without a doubt some of the most virtuosic musicians to ever grace the metal scene. But as is all too common for bands that make challenging and truly progressive music, the importance of what they had done was not understood until many years later.

Witch + Earthless

Ah, Earthless, the perfect soundtrack for a frigid February night. All precise, pummeling, instrumental rock, erring more on the bong hit rather than acid trip side of psychedelic. Trekking out to see them somewhere in the wilds of Brooklyn in 2007 is one of my fondest memories from that year's CMJ festival, and I knew that if this show would be anything like that one, I was in for a treat.

Underoath + Norma Jean +Innerpartysystem

Call me an old fogey, but I’ve been attending hardcore and pseudo-hardcore shows for close to a decade, spent many sweaty nights at L’X and Café L’Inco during my time, and have come to watch the scene somewhat closely, and during that time, I’ve noticed the degeneration of “the scene” (as the kids refer to it as) into a muddled mess of wayward children who care more about their bandanas and cool kicks (often looking like a terrible biker gang than true fans of the music they’re there to listen to.) Although this has been happening for years, Thursday night served as a reminder of the disintegration of a once-enjoyable genre of music ruin

Lamb of God + Children of Bodom

On April 17th I threw on my well worn, black t-shirt bearing a lightning bolt down the front -a shirt that has survived countless brutal slams in the pit and has been soaked in buckets of other people’s sloppily spilt beer. Wearing this shirt out could only mean one thing: I was going to a metal show.  

Testament + Unearth

On May 21st, seasoned metal veterans Testament played to a packed crowd at Metropolis, with openers Unearth.

CJLO Comic Review Roundup: Vol. 2

So maybe this one was a little late, but late is frequently better than never (and lets be honest here...late releases are something comic readers should be used to right now.) To make it up to you though, not only have we got some reviews of some of the best comic books to land in the month of February (New Avengers #50 and Eternals #8) from some of CJLO's best and brightest comic dorks, but we also have we have the hilariously jaded debut of "THIS MONTH IN THE X-VERSE!" That's right, curious what the X-Men were up to this month? ALL of them?

CJLO Comic Review Roundup: Vol. 1

Every Wednesday, CJLO's resident comic dorks bring you the best in whats new and good in the world of comic books. However, since this is our first feature, we figured we'd throw you a bone with a ten point breakdown of the Marvel Comics Universe circa 2009 that may be necessary to understand some of the finer points of our, without further ado..

1. There was a Civil War amongst the Heroes that divided them into two factions.

      a. Registered Heroes recognized by the US government  - Mighty Avengers

Mastodon: A Condensed History

In anticipation of the mighty Mastodon returning to Montreal this May (brought to you in part by none other than CJLO RADIO), our very own harbinger of doom Brian Hastie (host of Countdown to Armaggedon) has laid down a little history lesson for those poor, unfortunate souls unfamiliar with the band's vibrant, nine year history. Read on...
