
November 27th, 2014

Hosted by: Celeste Lee

Stories by: Celeste Lee, Marilla Steuter-Martin

Produced by Emeline Vidal

News for November 26, 2014

Riots in Ferguson over trial decision

by Marilla Streuter-Martin


Thousands of National Guard troops have been deployed in Ferguson, Missouri after the official inquisition into Michael Brown's death was met with rioting and violence.

The grand jury announced Monday that the actions of a white police officer, Darren Wilson, who shot and killed an unarmed African American teenager were technically legal.

November 26, 2014

Listen Now

Hosted by: Jocelyn Beaudet

Stories by: Julia Bryant & Marilla Steuter-Martin

Produced by: Julia Bryant

November 25, 2014

Listen Now

Hosted by Danny Aubry

Stories by Alexa Everett, Omar Megahed & Danny Aubry

Produced by Tom Matukala


Listen Now

Hosted by Alexa Everett

Stories by Emeline Vidal and Catlin Spencer

Produced by Sam Obrand 

November 21, 2014

Listen Now

Hosted by Catlin Spencer

Stories by Pauline Nesbitt, Patricia Petit Liang & Catlin Spencer

Produced by Marilla Steuter-Martin

November 20th, 2014

Hosted by: Celeste Lee

Sories by: Marilla Steuter-Martin, Celeste Lee

Produced by: Emeline Vidal

November 19, 2014

Listen Now

Hosted by Jocelyn Beaudet

Stories by Marilla Steuter-Martin

Produced by Marilla Steuter-Martin

November 18, 2014

Listen Now

Hosted by Danny Aubry

Stories by Omar Megahed, Alexa Everett & Danny Aubry

Produced by Marilla Steuter-Martin


Listen Now

Hosted by Alexa Everett

Stories by Emeline Vidal & Alexa Everett 

Produced by Sam Obrand


November 14, 2014

Listen Now

Hosted by Catlin Spencer

Stories by Pauline Nesbitt, Catlin Spencer & Patricia Petit Liang

Produced by Patricia Petit Liang

November 13th, 2014

Hosted by: Celeste Lee

Stories by: Marilla Steuter-Martin, Celeste Lee

Produced by: Emeline Vidal

November 11, 2014

Listen Now

Hosted by Danny Aubry

Stories by Alexa Everett, Omar Megahed & Danny Aubry

Produced by Tom Matukala


Listen Now

Hosted by Alexa Everett

Stories by Emeline Vidal & Catlin Spencer

Produced by Sam Obrand 

News for November 7th, 2014

Efforts underway to clean diesel fuel in Sept-Iles

by Pauline Nesbitt


The engineer of the freight train that derailed in Sept-Iles Thursday morning is still missing.

According to the CBC, the locomotive for the train was found submerged in a nearby river.
