Concert Reviews

School of Seven Bells + Exitmusic @ Sala Rossa

This past May 3rd, Sala Rossa was darker than usual (or it certainly seemed that way) and the room was half-empty (or half-full, depending on your outlook). The show was slow to start - although once it did, the crowd inexplicably maintained a consistent 5 foot distance from the stage. Whether it was because they were curious to watch the projections on the white screen at the back of the stage, or because they were afraid of getting their eardrums blown out, I can't say for sure.

Reverend Horton Heat + The Real McKenzies + The Brains @ Club Soda

Stereotypes aside, there was certainly a theme to the evening at Club Soda on Saturday, May 28. Leather, chains and heavy black eyeliner abound, along with many rockabilly do’s, tight jeans on dudes and Dr. Martens on every second pair of feet.

Crocodiles + Bleeding Rainbow @ Casa Del Popolo

On February 22nd, Crocodiles (ex-Some Girls, ex-The Plot to Blow Up The Eiffel Tower) brought their lo-fi, noise-pop jams to Casa Del Popolo. It was the band’s second stint in Montreal.
