Tibetans arrested on suspicion of "anti-China behavior"

Free Tibet II

Nepal authorities have arrested eighteen people on suspicion of “anti-China activities.”

Police spokesman Uttam Subedi told Al-Jazeera News, that some of the people arrested were Tibetans, but all except three were released on the same day.

Sunday marked the anniversary of the 1959 rebellion against China’s rule in Tibet.

Nepal is home to about 20 thousand Tibetans.

They have been under intense pressure from Beijing, who has said many times they will not put up with what they call “anti-China activities.”

Back on February the 13th, a Tibetan monk set himself on fire in a Kathmandu restaurant, the capital city of Nepal.

That was the 100th sacrifice in a wave of protests against Chinese power since 2009.

The burnings are seen as signs of desperation over perceived religious and political prosecution in the Chinese-controlled Tibet. 

Lobsang Sangay is the Prime Minister of the India-based Tibetan Government in exile.

He said when people speak out, they risk prolonged imprisonment, torture, public humiliation and disappearance at the hands of security forces.

Elsewhere, also on Sunday, hundreds protested in Taiwan against the Chinese control over Tibet.

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