
Amazing Grace: The Spiritual Musical

Letterboxd Review “Sends You on a Spiritual Musical High” 

    Amazing Grace is a gospel hymn that is as iconic as the American national anthem. It is also the title of a live album that Aretha Franklin recorded in Los Angeles, January of 1972. As well as being the best selling album for Franklin, it is the highest selling gospel album of all time. Originally Warner Brothers created a documentary film, directed by Sydney Pollack. It was Constructed as footage of the recording album set to be released in 1972, but it was later shelved. This lost footage is now finished in this documentary from director Alan Elliot and Editor Jeff Buchanan. Pollack is credited as a director for this documentary. 

John Wick : Chapter 3 - Parabellum

Our favourite dog-loving assassin is hitting the big screen once again with more fights, more blood and even more dogs. John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum is the third installment in the John Wick series starring Keanu Reeves, Ian McShane, Halle Berry, Laurence Fishburne and Mark Dacascos

Film Review : Long Shot

Long Shot: Good for a few laughs 

Letterboxed Review “Long Live Stick Man”

    If you have ever seen a Seth Rogen comedy, you already know the formula. Rogen plays a loveable goofball along side a leading lady. You would never see them being relationship material. There is a situation in the film that normally involves the characters of Rogan learning to grow and become an adult. Along the way, you get the Off-colour adult humour that you come to associate with his films: the one that leaves the audience members in side splits or groaning. So, the stage is already set for Long Shot from director Jonathan Levine. Starring opposite Rogen’s goofiness, Charlize Theron balances the film with her strong presence.

The Movies Review on Location : Climax

In this episode of At The Movies Review on Location, Remi heads to the dance floor to review Climax from director  Gaspar Noé. 


Golden Ticket Awards 2019

At The Movies is proud to present The Golden Ticket Awards For 2019. Celebrating the best of the best of cinema and performances the nominations will be announced this Tuesday, January 30th, 2019. In the drama category this year things have changed with Horror and thrillers now being positioned in this category due to the strong dramatic elements and performances. In musical comedy and specialty we see some surprises with some dramatic performances in this category, however, due to the films dual natures of being a musical and or comedy are the reasons we have put them in — the best of luck to all the nominees.

Image + Nation: Mapplethorpe

To kick off its ciné-création section, the LGBTQ film festival of Montreal presented the new biopic Mapplethorpe, shining a light on the photographer’s rise to fame last Friday December 1st, at L’impérial.  It also marked the first collaboration between the MAC and Image+Nation.

Although the movie’s intentions are very noble, it miserably fails to achieve anything, with the exception of a good performance by leading actor Matt Smith in the role of Robert Mapplethorpe. Odi Timoner’s first feature film has some interesting aspects, but mostly fails to live up to the public’s expectations.

Image+Nation: Postcards From London

25 years after Postcards from America, director Steve McLean brings queer cinema further with his new film tackling the relationship between male prostitution and art. Postcards from London was shown at L'Impérial Thursday November 30th for the LGBTQ film festival Image+Nation.

Film Review : 24 Frames


Montreal is welcoming the latest addition to it’s cinema family, Cinema Moderne: located in Mile End, and born just this year on September 17th 2018. When walking through its doors, there is an irrepressible feeling of a dream coming into reality. The cinema is comprised of a 50+ seat theatre with a bistro and bar, with promises of many cultural events to come. The cinema’s mission is inclusive and innovative, with an aim to incorporate series into their programming featuring directors from indigenous populations, women and local artists.

Image+Nation: Queerment Quebec

Un public enthousiaste a joint les équipes de production de huit courts métrages LGBTQ très variés, tous faits au Québec, le lundi 26 novembre 2018 au Centre Phi, dans le cadre du festival Image+Nation.

Image+Nation 2018: Sauvage

Le festival international de films LGBTQ de Montréal, Image+Nation, va encore plus loin pour sa 31e édition, du 22 novembre au 2 décembre 2018. On s’attend à une semaine surprenante et à des films de qualité. D’année en année, les cinéphiles montréalais avides d’une meilleure représentation LGBTQ se donnent rendez-vous au festival qui ne cesse de grandir. Pour constater moi-même l’engouement autour d’Image+Nation, j’ai décidé d’assister à quatre de leurs soirées.

Festival Du Nouveau Cinema Showcases 2018's Most Anticipated Films

This years Festival Du Nouveau Cinema (FNC) is back from Wednesday October 3rd to Sunday October 14th. The 47th edition of the festival has made it a point to include categories with feature films (international and domestic), installations, a masterclass featuring Paul Schrader, short films, television series, and virtual reality. What makes the festival so attractive is that it hosts some of my anticipated films of the year, some that might not agree with everyone due to their controversial nature. However, I am happy that this festival gives them a platform to be showcased. 

FANTASIA 2018: The Final Week's Recap!

In this final week of the Fantasia film festival, I only had one free day. This meant that I had to see as many films as possible. Even though the festival is wrapping up, I hope to catch some of the other Fantasia films when they are released in the months ahead!



FANTASIA 2018: The Second Week's Recap!

My days off this week have coincided with the rain and grey weather. This makes for a great excuse to hide indoors and catch a few films at the Fantasia festival. I have made my master list of the films that I want to see this week, with the fact that I only have two days free. Here is my marathon of film viewings from week two. 


Unfriended 2: The Dark Web 
